Digital Removable

Our digital removable dentures will give you comfort and a better fit. Enjoy Faster fabrication speed and fewer dental visitation. GHGL digital removable dentures can easly be dublicated when lost.

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Digital Removable

When it comes to the patient’s perspective on digital versus conventional ways of treatment planning in dentistry, they might not have a clear preference yet. Patients do not always know about the existence of digital technologies available, and how it can influence their denture treatment process. But when they do know, they might ask their dentist for digital dentures because it can bring them the following benefits: 

  • More comfort and better fit — digital dentures benefit from digital scanning accuracy, which enables technicians to create dentures with better fit and retention.
  • Faster fabrication speed and fewer dental visits — creating digital prostheses can be done faster than traditional ones. This also results in savings on the number of visits and adjustments needed.
  • Digital prostheses are up to 8 times stronger than conventional — especially when they are milled and made from robust milling materials such as MMA or PMMA.
  • Esthetics — when the denture design software works with official teeth libraries, the patient gets infinite options to create their perfect smile. The denture can be made truly lifelike with natural morphology, color, structure and reflection.
  • Dupication — When lost or damaged, digital complete dentures can easily be duplicated. A dentist will simply ask the lab to find them in the electronic database and get them re-produced.

We can help you feel better and more confident of your smile using our state of the art technology on dentistry...

Our services are rendered by professionals and with the most advanced and modern technologies such as: 3D printing technology, heating technology, copper pressing, set of Dekema Germany, Cad system of 3Shape, Imetric, Cam system of imes-icore Germany, synchronously using Renfert's sample processing system.


About Us

We have built ourselves an international standard production process and always updated with the most advanced and modern technologies such as: 3D printing technology, heating technology, copper pressing, set of Dekema Germany, Cad system of 3Shape, Imetric, Cam system of imes-icore Germany, synchronously using Renfert's sample processing system, that helped GHGL get the best evaluations of organizations.


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