
Improve your dental health and your looks with our Orthodontic Dental Treatment. Lets GHGL help you correct your orthodontic problems and prevent tooth decay, gum disease and even tooth loss.

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Many people wrongly assume that a Battersea orthodontist deals purely with children’s teeth whereas in reality orthodontics is for all ages. In fact, with the continued advances in dental technology and the wider availability of clear braces in Battersea as well aligners such as Inman, we are helping more adults than ever before to straighten their teeth and correct their smiles.

Orthodontic treatment has many benefits for children and adults too, so let’s take a look:  

  • Increased confidence – If your child is being teased at school for the way his or her teeth look then orthodontic treatment will benefit them psychologically and increase their confidence. It’s also true that an adult who is conscious of their protruding teeth or misaligned smile, will find their confidence soars through the roof once their teeth have been put back into their correct position.
  • Facilitates oral hygiene – Teeth that are crowded or misaligned are difficult to clean and if particles of food get trapped then this can lead to decay and possible tooth loss. A visit to an orthodontist in Battersea will help children and adults maintain better oral hygiene through having their teeth aligned properly and being able to brush and floss with ease.
  • Improves functionality – People suffering with misaligned teeth or a bad bite, may well struggle with biting and chewing their food. This can lead to problems such as a limited diet and bad digestion. By correcting misalignments and bite issues, not only does it look better aesthetically but a person can eat a wider variety of foods and digest them properly, leading to better overall health.
  • Better long term health of teeth and gums – Straight teeth are easier to clean and less prone to the risk of trauma and injury. It’s considerably easier to remove plaque and bacteria from the teeth when the toothbrush can reach most of the smooth surfaces of the teeth. Severe crowding can lead to decay, gum disease and erosion of the bones which hold the teeth in place.
  • Improves wear on teeth – Bad bites and misaligned teeth can lead to teeth being subjected to uneven force distribution and wear patterns which can lead to visible wear and tear of the teeth. Sometimes excessive strain on the supporting gums and bone tissues can affect the joints of the jaw leading to headaches.

We can help you feel better and more confident of your smile using our state of the art technology on dentistry...

Our services are rendered by professionals and with the most advanced and modern technologies such as: 3D printing technology, heating technology, copper pressing, set of Dekema Germany, Cad system of 3Shape, Imetric, Cam system of imes-icore Germany, synchronously using Renfert's sample processing system.


About Us

We have built ourselves an international standard production process and always updated with the most advanced and modern technologies such as: 3D printing technology, heating technology, copper pressing, set of Dekema Germany, Cad system of 3Shape, Imetric, Cam system of imes-icore Germany, synchronously using Renfert's sample processing system, that helped GHGL get the best evaluations of organizations.


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